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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Addiction is the name and Alchemy is the game

Time for the new App of the week, Alchemy.  I must admit I wasn't on a mission to find anything remotely close to that word, considering that I was looking for Full Metal Alchemist wall paper.  So the only thing I have to say about that would be, "DOWNLOAD THIS NOW"!!!
I used to be one of those "four square" people, but now I just don't have time to aquire fake mayorships across town; instead I can be crazy in private :)

According to App Brain "You have only four base elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Combine them and their products to get more than 200 new elements. You can create a Life, Beer, Vampires, Skyscrapers and many more..".

So, once I dragged water into earth, I came up with mud, and so forth, and I must say the combinations are virtually endless. You get this tiny little "high" when you've made a new combination, your phone vibrates twice and "zap" a new creature, zombie, plant, or element had appeared.  Basically you make the elements hump.

And quite similar to Korn, all day long I dream about alchemy; yes, making them hump, over, and over, and over, and over again.

Like the ex's in my life, I've tossed "Paper Toss" aside to see if can come up with all 200 combinations before the next update...THE NEXT UPDATE!!! THERE WILL BE MORE ALCHEMY, SWEET ASS!!

So, here is the page(located by the link above an below this sentence) and the brain where this beautiful game came from is named Andrey "Zed" Zaikin.  
And lastly, but not least, this app only appears to be on the Android operating systems, sorry iPhone Kiddies; the wait may be over soon if the developer gets back to me on a possible app for the iPhone.  So, check back in!!

Hopefully Andrey will love my review as much I as I love being, everyone...

Get your game on, download this now!!

Again, here's the link!!<---------

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